Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Missionary Work (7/21/2010)

I would like to apologize for the lack of thoughts recently. Between my work and my personal life, I find it hard to find the few minutes every day to share something. I will keep working to provide a daily thought, but in the meantime, I hope that you will be patient with me.

Last week I had the opportunity to attend girl's camp with our ward as a priesthood leader. My niece who is not LDS came to the camp with me and my daughter and had a wonderful time. I am not entirely sure how she feels about the Church - I know that my sister frequently has the missionaries over - but I hope that with the good experiences there and the friends she made that she will come to see more of what the Church has to offer.

So many times when we talk about missionary work, it can evoke feelings of fear. The thought of approaching friends and family and talking about religion can be a challenge, especially where so many in the world today would rather not have religion in their lives. I was reminded by my experience last week, however, that missionary work does not have to be about pressuring people to accept something they would rather not have. Through being a good example and a true friend, we will have an impact for good on the lives of others. Then when they see the joy that the Gospel brings into our lives, our friends and family will be more inclined to explore the Church of Jesus Christ without the awkward feeling that we might otherwise have.

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