Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Light (8/12/2009)

"He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death." (Mosiah 16:9)

I have always loved the visual image of Christ being the light of the world. One of the great things about light is that darkness cannot stand against it. Last week, I bought some night lights to put in the bedrooms of my younger children and in the hallway, and it was amazing what a difference it made - it was a great example of how the light pushes away the darkness and makes things clearer and easier to see.

The other thing about light is how beautiful it can make things. I took my children to the open house of the Oquirrh Mountain Utah temple last month, and one of the things that first attracted the eye were the beautiful chandeliers. The way they cast light enhanced the beauty of everything around them, just as the light the Savior has enhances the lives of those who choose to follow Him.

I hope that each of us will follow the Savior so that we can share a portion of His light to those around us.

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