Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Peace and Freedom (11/17/2009)

In the news today, there is a story about a woman who gave her 9 month old baby to her drug dealer "because she was homeless, addicted to meth and unable to care for the child." As a parent, it is difficult for me to imagine something so compelling in my life that it would take precedent over my children, yet here is evidence that such things do happen. I feel for this woman and for her child. It is evident that a series of choices have been made in the mother's life that have led her to a place where I am sure she would rather not be.

President Hinckley told about a conversation he once had with a young man who sought freedom and peace through the ways of the world. After his account, President Hinckley observed: "Today there are persons numbered in the millions who, in a search for freedom from moral restraint and peace from submerged conscience, have opened a floodgate of practices that enslave and debauch. These practices, if left unchecked, will not only destroy these individuals but also the nations of which they are a part."

Our Father in Heaven has stated through His prophets that His goal is to help us gain Eternal Life (see Moses 1:39) - the greatest peace that anyone could want to achieve. Satan also makes a counterfeit offer of peace, yet his ultimate goal is to make us just as miserable as he is (see 2 Nephi 2:27) by having us surrender our agency to things that stimulate the senses, such as pornography or drugs. So while the world would have us break the moral fetters that keep us from doing whatever we want in life, I hope that we will be aware that those who accept Satan's offer of "peace" run the risk of losing everything, just as this mother's choices led her to lose her child.

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