Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Resolutions (12/30/2009)

Todays thought comes from Elder Joe J. Christensen in a speech given about resolutions. I have taken excerpts from the speech, but a link to the entire speech can be found here

"I am convinced that if we make and keep resolutions in those four areas, we will have a happier and more successful new year this coming year and every year for the rest of our lives. Let’s consider the nature of such resolutions and the benefits that can be ours if our resolve to improve ourselves is firm.

"Resolution number one: I resolve to expand my intellectual horizons, to increase in wisdom. This year, commit to read good books throughout your life. (see D&C 88:118, D&C 90:15)...

"Resolution number two: I will be resolute in preserving and strengthening my physical health. It is impressive that more than 160 years ago the Lord revealed a health code, the Word of Wisdom, that can make all the difference in how we feel and perform. With good health, we can be happier and more successful. Without it, we are curtailed in almost every way...

"The third major resolution: I resolve to be a truer friend and to become more socially acceptable to people of high standards. Learn to be the kind of person with whom others of high standards enjoy associating...

"The fourth resolve... I will grow spiritually - I will increase in favor with God. A few items are essential to our spiritual growth. Let’s start with the one that is most difficult and universally applicable. If we are to increase in favor with God, we must resolve to overcome as much as possible the sin of pride."

The thing that I like about Elder Christensen's method of making resolutions is the fact that he proposes making changes in four areas that can make us more well-rounded individuals. To add a personal note to Elder Christensen's fourth point, in the Gospel Essentials class that I teach, someone made the point a few weeks ago about how all sin finds its root in selfishness. When one is proud and thinks more of themself and what they want than they do of others, it is impossible for them to improve and achieve their eternal potential. I hope that as we resolve to improve that these steps may be of help.

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