Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Doing All We Do in His Name (4/13/2010)

"Wherefore, thou shalt do all that thou doest in the name of the Son, and thou shalt repent and call upon God in the name of the Son forevermore." (Moses 5:8)

I have come across several verses in Moses 5 recently that have made me think. When I read this one, I understood it in a context that I had never thought about it before. It is easy to think of saying prayers and carrying out church callings in the name of Jesus Christ. When I apply that same thought to the idea that everything I do - from my work to the way I parent to the activities in which I engage - should be done in His name, it takes on an entirely new meaning.

Suddenly I realized that I need to be much more selective about the way I act and think. It made me start to question which of my actions were worthy to be done in His name, and as I consider those actions that are not worthy, I now see room for improvement in my life. Is there anything new in this concept? No, but this scripture reminded me in a different way the importance of my actions.

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