Monday, November 16, 2009

The Restored Gospel (11/16/2009)

"The Restoration responds resoundingly and reassuringly to the key human questions and provides the firm framework of our faith. Do we actually live in an unexplained and unexplainable universe? Is there really purpose and meaning to human existence? Why such unevenness in the human condition? Why so much human suffering?

"The marvelous truths of the Restoration respond to these questions and are highly global, highly personal, and even galactic in their dimensions! Identity exists amid immensity. We are enclosed in divine purposes! There is no need for despair! No wonder the restored gospel is such 'good news.'" - Elder Neal A. Maxwell

One of the things I often express gratitude for in my prayers is how the Gospel gives me an understanding of the big picture. It is so easy to get caught up in the little things that don't go right in life, yet when I stop and think about how my time here is just a step along a much longer path, it makes everything else easier to manage. I am thankful for the prophet Joseph Smith and for the truth that he restored so that we can all know what we need to do in order to inherit eternal life.

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