Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Things That Matter Most (1/20/2010)

In a speech back in 1978, Elder David B. Haight spoke of a regional conference where President Kimball spoke. "All of the General Authorities were also in attendance at this very solemn but historic assembly to receive instruction and counsel, 'to be built up in faith and testimony.', and to reaffirm to these Church leaders our mission: to assist in saving the souls of mankind and to focus on the things that matter most.

"In this comprehensive review of the Church's progress, we could sense again (President Kimball's) anxiety and concern for this work. We who are near our prophet sense his restlessness - because time is moving swiftly, and the world population is growing. But the keys of the kingdom and salvation are here and available to all. We - all of us here tonight - are His disciples."

In the world today, there are a million entertainments and diversions that will allure us from the path back to our Father in Heaven. When I read this speech, I was reminded of how important it is to focus on those things that matter most. All of the fun and amazing gadgets and software that fill our lives today will mean nothing when the time comes for us to be judged by our Father in Heaven. The questions we will have to answer then will deal with how we treated our fellow-man, and how faithful we have been in keeping the commandments. Regardless of how long it will be until our Savior comes again, hopefully the uncertainty of this life will encourage us to live each day anxiously engaged in the good cause.

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