Friday, October 23, 2009

Learning Good (10/23/2009)

"If men would be great in goodness, they must be intelligent, for no man can do good unless he knows how; therefore seek after knowledge, all knowledge, and especially that which is from above, which is wisdom to direct in all things, and if you find any thing that God does not know, you need not learn that thing; but strive to know what God knows, and use that knowledge as God uses it, and then you will be like him; (you) will... have charity, love one another, and do each other good continually, and for ever...

"But if a man have all knowledge, and does not use it for good, it will prove a curse instead of a blessing as it did to Lucifer, the Son of the Morning." - Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, and Willard Richards, Millennial Star 14:22, 15 January 1852)

When I think of learning and knowledge, I think of math, science, language, arts. This quote, however, reminded me that while such academic cores are important, if I am to become like my Father in Heaven, there are other things I need to learn as well. I need to learn charity, need to study being good until I can do it by rote. Of course, if I learn all of these things and fail to act on them, it will do me no more good than if I were to hang my college degree on the wall and sit and stare at it. Only by applying the things I have learned am I able to improve my corner of the world and financially support my family.

I hope that we will strive to learn how to become like the Savior, and as we are taught through prayer, scripture study, and meeting attendance, I hope that we will apply what we have learned to make the world around us a better place.

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