Thursday, July 16, 2009

Discipleship (7/16/2009)

"The word disciple comes from the Latin word discipulus; it means to learn or to know. Many people think that being a disciple means simply to follow, with an unfortunate connotation of following blindly. Becoming a true disciple is nothing of the sort! It requires us to learn and to know of Jesus Christ, to study the principles of truth for ourselves and to receive answers - in other words, to receive knowledge...

"Once we have knowledge of the simple principles of the Restoration, coupled with a deep and abiding faith in the truths we do not yet know, we become true disciples of Jesus Christ and not simply followers. The difference between a disciple and a follower is like the difference between a ship's anchor that is lodged solidly at the bottom of the sea, holding the ship fast, and an anchor that is merely suspended in water because the chain is too short. Such an anchor may appear to be doing its job when the seas are calm, but serves no purpose during storms or high waves." -Elder M. Russell Ballard

Many times I have been singled out because I choose to be a member of the church, and to follow the Gospel teachings. The thing that these people miss is the fact that I have a testimony of the truths behind these teachings. While my obedience to the commandments might not be as consistent as I would like, the simple fact remains that the Spirit has borne witness to me that this is Christ's church, and that everything I need to gain eternal life can be found herein. As I strive to live its teachings and learn to become more like Christ, the stronger my testimony of the truth will become, and the more I will be able to stand firm when I am faced with the inevitable challenges that will come from the adversary.

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